Most of us have a little extra pudge we’d like to get rid of, but actually doing so can be a lot harder than it sounds. Many people fail to lose weight because they cannot properly commit to a strict diet and exercise, but there are plenty of people who continue to struggle with weight loss even after taking the proper actions. So what gives? Why can’t you lose weight? Are you doing everything right? You’re about to find out.
Embrace Exercise
You knew this was going to be on here, so let’s just get it out of the way: exercise is the best way to decrease your body fat. You could get a gym membership or do stuff on your own. Go for walks if you need to ease into it, but also jogging and some light lifting will shred fat quickly. You don’t have to start deadlifting 500 pounds either, as just doing minor exercises with lightweight dumbbells can prove to be extremely beneficial. Running too boring for you? Hop on the treadmill and put your favorite show on your phone–it’ll help pass the time and maybe even make it enjoyable. Just be sure that you’re wearing the proper footwear, or you could develop blisters or bunions. If you’re currently experiencing bunions and are seeking help in getting them dealt with, visit
Sugar, Spice, and… Diabetes?
The best way to add inches to your muffin top is to eat plenty of sugar. That’ll do it, all right. Oh, you want to lose weight? Then sugar is not going to be your friend on this journey. When our bodies consume sugar it is instantly converted into fat and offers little to no nutrition. Most people know they shouldn’t eat cake or ice cream if they’re trying to lose weight, but there’s also an alarmingly high amount of sugar in foods you wouldn’t expect, so it’s important to check what’s actually in your food before you eat it–or even better, before you pick it up at the store! Lots of drinks are particularly guilty of adding sugar and don’t think you can drink soda with “zero calories” or “zero sugar,” because they have added ingredients that are just as bad–or worse–to make up for the fact. You’re much better off eating vegetables and protein, and if you need a little sugar get it naturally from fruits.
Count Your Calories
It’s not just about cutting out sugar and carbs, but also ensuring that what you’re eating is being consumed in appropriate amounts. You can eat all the chicken and broccoli you want, and there’s nothing wrong with having the occasional cheeseburger either, but it’s important to eat the correct portion according to your height, weight, muscle mass. Protein and vegetables probably aren’t going to matter much in the long run, so eat up, but you can’t just intake a blind number of calories and expect to lose weight. Losing fat is all about remaining in a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than you burn.
This is the only tried and true way to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean you can just eat your calories in ice cream and call it a day. In order to get all the nutrients, vitamins, and protein that you need to stay healthy and remain under your calorie limit for the day, be sure to eat lots of greens and lean meats. There are a ton of calorie-tracking apps that allow you to save meals and specific foods so they are less of a hassle to input every day. This will make counting your calories simple and easy.
Ending Thoughts
Losing stubborn belly fat is difficult to accomplish, but you can do it. Commit to exercising at least a few times a week and watch what you eat. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But it’s never that simple. However, if you implement these methods, you are guaranteed to see results without a doubt. The hard part is sticking to them.