Unicorn peel-off masks are the latest in products designed to offer collagen and moisturising benefits to your skin. These colourful masks are applied with a brush. After drying for twenty minutes or so, the mask is peeled off, and the underlying skin benefits from the healthy ingredients of the mask.
A lot of these types of products these days contain collagen and Aloe Vera in addition to healthy vitamins and minerals. Collagen, in particular, has recently been the focus of much research, and the results have seemed to point to collagen’s unique healing and rejuvenating abilities.
Benefits of Collagen
There are many benefits to collagen that help the joints of the body, the heart, and the bones. But one of the most noticeable benefits is how it can affect the skin.
Collagen is a protein substance found in skin, bones, cartilage, hair, eyes and various other parts of the body. When you use products containing collagen, the collagen they contain is derived from animals.
Collagen can be thought of as the ‘glue’ that holds our bodies together. As we start to age and enter our thirties and forties, our bodies begin to produce less and less collagen. The effects of this can be noticed in sagging skin or skin that lost a bit of its elasticity; fine wrinkles can also develop as the skin loses its natural bounce and resilience.
By taking collagen supplements or using skin products that are rich in collagen, they act to revitalise your skin and restore elasticity. When the ingredients of peel-off masks are combined with other vitamins and minerals as, well as Aloe Vera, the application of a mask for twenty minutes or so can provide an abundance of moisturising benefits to your skin.
Benefits of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera acts as the other big provider of healthy skin benefits when talking about peel-off masks. As anyone who has ever applied Aloe Vera to a painful sunburn, the natural plant substance acts as one of the best moisturising substances ever known.
But besides its moisturising properties, Aloe Vera also helps reduce acne, and its antioxidant properties, vitamin C and E, and beta-carotene help reduce the effects of ageing. It may even help reduce stretch marks in the skin as we age.
Even Out Your Skin Tone
Ageing, acne, stretch marks, and the sun can all play a part in making us look older than we are. They also can contribute to a blotchy and uneven skin tone. If you want to maintain an even healthy glowing tone to your skin, a good place to start is by indulging yourself in a moisturising peel-off mask several times a week with high-quality products containing both collagen and Aloe Vera.
Visit the Diamonis website and choose the best type of products for your skin type and complexion and make yourself look years younger.